Friday, April 30, 2010

    Eminem Mocks Pitsburgh Steelers' Ben Roethlisberger

     "F**k that, I'd rather turn this club into a bar room brawl. Get as rowdy as Roethlisberger in a bathroom stall"  

    That's a line from the classy new Eminem song, "Recovery", which is up for your review at the Sports Betting Unlimited (and very unsafe for young ears, it's worth noting). I'm sure NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell is positively giddy with this tune hitting the airwaves in frequent rotation.

    If you're scoring at home, we've now seen stories about Ben's mullet, his subsequent haircut, his slow merchandise sales, his sign being taken down at the zoo, and even one of his funded police dogs getting kicked off the force. And that's leaving out about a billion other stories about Ben Roethlisberger that I missed. But for those who cry "overkill" at blogs and media outlets for their coverage of the story, take a look at the most read stories on the Tribune Review's website today.

    Three of the top 6, including the top 2overall, are on Pitsburgh Steelers Ben Roethlisberger, and we're almost 2 months removed from the Milledgeville story. People may say they don't care about the story any more and want to move on (as do I - honestly), but actions speak louder than words - and actions are indicating that Big Ben is still the the dominant topic of the day in Pittsburgh.

    The story of Ben Roethlisberger's sexual assault allegations has pretty much reached its logical terminus, now that he's been disciplined by the league and the Steelers have opted not to trade him. That doesn't mean that the drama has disappeared from the public consciousness. Indeed, the pop culture first responders have arrived to continue to riff on the salacious details.

    Pitsburgh Steelers' quarterback Ben Roethlisberger was accused of the sexual assault in early March, the second time he has face such an accusation in the past year. A college student alleged that the two-time Super Bowl-winning quarterback assaulted her at a Milledgeville, Ga. Nightclub.  

    Ben Roethlisberger admitted to having "sexual contact" with his accuser, and reports claim that he "aggressively hit" on a bar patron and that the Steeler's bodyguards blocked access to the bathroom in which the assault allegedly took place. 

    While Ben Roethlisberger will not face criminal charges, he still could face a suspension or other disciplinary measures from the NFL or Pittsburgh Steelers. The Steelers quarterback will meet with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell later this week.

    Pitsburgh Steelers' Ben Roethlisberger will now have to work hard to earn back the respect and trust of Steelers fans, and to live up to the leadership responsibilities we all expect of him. 

    In the coming days Ben will meet with Commissioner Goodell to discuss his resolve to abide by the league's personal conduct standards. After consultation with the Commissioner, our organization will determine the next steps in this process.

    NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell suspended Ben Roethlisberger for 6 games for violating the personal-conduct policy last week. A 20-year-old woman accused him in Georgia of sexual assault, but the local D.A. decided not to prosecute.

    While Eminem is releasing a new album called "Recovery" the song referencing Ben Roethlisberger will not be included. The song was posted at a website co-founded by Eminem's manager.  

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