Wednesday, April 28, 2010

    Michael Jordan In Quail Hollow Championship Pro-Am

    Reportedly spotted together less than a week ago, the 2 exquisite golf players Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan will go their separate ways for tomorrow’s Quail Hollow Championship pro-am. Michael Jordan opted to team with Fred Couples – a pairing that has its roots at last year’s Presidents Cup, when FredCouples made Michael Jordan a captain’s assistant for the team event at San Francisco’s Harding Park.

    They’ll tee off at 12:18 p.m. Tomorrow. Tiger Woods has his usual 7:30 a.m. slot, pairing unknown. Tiger Woods and Micheal Jordan played the 2007 Quail Hollow pro-am together. Peyton Manning was one of tiger Woods’ partners last year.

    Michael and Fred are two great personalities, and I am positive the fans will enjoy interacting with both of them and watching them compete.” golf tournament chief Kym Hougham said and it certainly changes the likely nature of interaction had fans seen Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan together.

    It’s been less than a month, remember, since Vanity Fair suggested a former NBA star now a professional golf player Michael Jordan helped nudge Tiger Woods into the multiple-mistress sex scandal that dominated tabloid headlines for weeks and has all but sunk his his marriage. Former Tiger Woods adviser Robert Merchant was quoted in the article as saying he told the golfer long ago to “stay away from that son of a (bleep)”.

    According to, Michael Jordan spent last Tuesday and Wednesday at Isleworth playing golf with Tiger Woods. The Fred Couples also reportedly joined them, though the report that Couples played 36 holes with the duo in one day raises eyebrows.

    Now, a golf player Michael Jordan who bought the Bobcats last month for $275 million, had hoped to be in Orlando on Wednesday for Game 5 of their playoff series. But after the Bobcats were swept by the Magic in four games in the franchise's first playoff appearance, Michael Jordan agreed to play.

    It just had a different feel with Tiger Woods playing in an earlier group. "It's not as competitive,Freddie's totally relaxed and enjoying himself and so am I." Michael Jordan said. Micheal Jordan acknowledged he hasn't had as much contact with Woods since his sex scandal hit in November. The Quail Hollow marks Tiger Woods' first event since his return last month at the Masters.

    "It's one of those things you can't cure in one moment, It's going to take some time. I think that's what he's been doing — at least from afar where I am. We haven't talked as much as we used to be because I think he's probably trying to get himself right. I'm all supportive of that." Michael Jordan added.

    Michael Jordan signed autographs after nearly every hole of his up-and-down round that included some wayward drives early, but also a birdie putt on the fifth hole and driving the green on the par-4 13th.

    "His golf game is great, In front of a lot of people it's harder. Of 30,000 people out here, 20,000 are watching Michael. There's a lot of pressure and they're all yelling at him to do this or do that. It's not too focused out there, but it's always fun to play with him." Couples said.

    Michael Jordan has even been able to get Couples to buy a couple of season tickets, two of the 845 new orders the Bobcats have closed on as they build off Jordan-fueled excitement, according to team president Fred Whitfield.

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