Tuesday, August 3, 2010

    Rafael Nadal

    Rafael Nadal

    If you are an avid tennis sports fanatic then you surely knew Rafael “Rafa” Nadal from Manacor, Mallarca, Spain, he's now at the age of 23, having a handsome look, with a good body structure, build through his tennis sports. Through discipline and hard work he already reach this far of fame, with the help of his good coach Toni Nadal, he became much greater and known in tennis field. Rafa plays in left-handed position, at the year of 2001 and he turned professional, with a total tittles of 47 winning tittles he receiving 6 from Doubles and 41 from single competition. Through the years he received the best titles and currently ranked no 1 in the world.

    This year he became more active and advocate in tennis sports. He is even a legendary pride of Spain playing his best game always on his game. People do appreciate his talent and his contribute honor to his countries honor, he already travel from different countries and fight almost to all the best player around the globe, with or without doubt he is really amazingly good in playing tennis. He is not even an ordinary guy but rather his a player who has a deep heart and connection to all this games. Getting hook with gaming or sports is something for a person or people could do help him see discovered his own talent. We are all sure that being famous has a lot of responsibility accompanied to it. A man or a person could practice gaming or sports and be part of himself, and be normally dwell for them.

    Knowing that people also gamble for money in terms of betting for their favorite player same with online casino gaming. In as much as we all know tennis is a game that require a lot of stamina and thinking and strategy able to win the game. The game tennis has been around for many years. Tennis is played in some schools, and in order to play this active game, you need to follow the instruction and standard rules of the game. Need to know the basic facts about tennis and its equipment, materials to play the game like knowing the courts width or dimension which is about seventy-eight feet long and is twenty-seven feet wide for single play, or thirty-six feet wide for double play.

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    1 comments: on "Rafael Nadal"

    Anonymous said...

    very good !

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